Monday, June 13, 2016


I have had this on my mind for awhile now and have debated whether or not to write it or not. The subject of Christianity has been on my mind awhile now. With the current Orlando tragedy, there is no time like the present to put this out there, my thoughts on the matter. I was raised to believe in the Bible, believe in the 10 commandments. But that said, there are also the basic commandments to be kind, treat others like you would like other to treat you, work hard, lend a hand when in need, that you can always learn something,have respect for other people, love one another and to not judge others. Those were the other commandments I was taught to believe and do. I am baptized, a saved believer of God and Jesus Christ and have attended the same church for what will be 36 years this Saturday when I reach my 36th birthday. This has been one heck of a year for me, and as I reflect upon what the past 35th year has brought me and what i want for my 36th year, I realize some things are not right. Despite the fact that I am unable to attend Sunday services, that does not make me 'not' a christian. There were lots of times my dad did not attend church. My father always said, just because you sit in the church pews on Sunday does not make you a Christian...and by the same token because you are not in church does not mean you aren't a christian!! My dad always said at the end of the day, it was between you and God. he was the only one who truly knew your heart and who was going to judge you. I wish that were true. Christians judge. There is a list at my church that is published on a monthly basis to pray for people. Nice right? It's called the prayer of salvation list. It's a list of names to pray for people who are not saved/not Christians. I have always thought this to be judgmental, discriminatory and condemning. I have felt there should be a much better way to go about this f we are going to pray for people without naming people. I have never said anything. There was recently a very private nickname of mine that made the list..I know it was not meant for me. However, how do others know that? I really do not care. I know this list was started with the best of intentions, but lately I have learned a LOT of things were "just started with the best of intentions." As Christians, we constantly judge. I had a christian, whom i didn't know, recently say to me she was offended by a rainbow handkerchief that man had in his back pocket of his jeans. She was so proud she was a christian, but she was so scared and ashamed to say who she was. I found that ironic. Maybe perhaps she should not be so quick to condemn or judge the man who was just supporting the events in Orlando, the tragedy. You can never judge a book by it's cover. The woman type cast and judged the man and that was not right. I have a lot of friends who are homosexual who I am proud to say I love as friends very much. While, I am heterosexual; it does not matter to me. As, yes I AM a christian and I was raised to love unconditionally no matter what and not judge....and that is what I will continue to do and treat everyone the same. So, we need to not judge....hate less. This past year, and the recent Orlando tragedy serve as reminders for me to count every day as a blessing.

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